Work, Work, Work, Work, Work

Tomorrow is my first day as a CNA. I’ve heard the shift I’ll be working with has fun so I’m excited to meet them. Something else I’m happy about? I don’t have to cover up my tattoos. Believe it or not, that’s still a thing at some facilities. While I realize it’s not yet the mainstream norm, it’s becoming more so.  I like being at a place where I’m free to be me.

Today I met with an academic advisor to go over the new nursing application requirements and gauge where I’m at. I’m not gonna lie- it’s scary, exciting, and makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little when I think about it. It’s the do or die moment. The second step after application at my college is a panel interview and they are done in groups of applicants so this could be your peers. There is also a reasoning test (HSRT) that in addition to a points system. All contribute to the final decision as to whether or not you are accepted in. An email is send out, the same day for everyone.  You can bet I’ll be sitting in front of my laptop hitting refresh faster than you can say Kahuna Burger.

I’ll try and give an accurate depiction of my first couple days in my next post and probably include some sort of unofficial review of the two scrub brands I’m trying out; Koi and Cherokee. Note- this is not an ad. Although to be honest I’d be happy to review scrubs if sent some. (cue toothy grin here).

I like to know other people’s favorites too and when asked, these two brands came up first, followed closely by Grey’s Anatomy and Figs. Although I’ve recently read about Elle too. After trying more than a dozen or so on, Koi and Cherokee were the ones I opted to try out first. I say try out because walking around a small shop and bending /stretching in a dressing room in no way, shape, or form equates to being in them for a long shift and lifting, reaching etc. I want to know how these actually WORK. Is my butt hanging out? Can you see my Calvins?

I’ll be wearing Dansko XP clogs too since I have a love-hate relationship with my back. Arthritis and two artificial discs mean I need to have good, supportive footwear.  Exciting, I know. Don’t everyone run out at once. If it’s a choice between a happy back and a fourth surgery, happy wins. Every damn time. Have you seen the swear word socks? They are SO fun. Can’t wait to pair these baby’s up with my clogs. Sock it To Me is another fun brand too.

Having scrubs with fun patterns, shapes, and colors is a big bonus for me. I’m not looking to be Suzi Sunshine or anything but I don’t want to look like something the cat drug in either. I’m fortunate enough to be able to wear whatever colors/ brand I choose so this should be fun. And also- I need to win the lottery because scrubs are not cheap yo!

Next post will probably be on Monday. Between homework, studying, and now working part-time, I need to keep my butt in line and stay focused on the carrot dangling in front of me- getting that *&^%$@!! RN. Peace out!